Vinhos Deluxe Press Release
Eagle-Gryphon Games
Vinhos Deluxe

our role:
5 Days
Our activities resulted in coverage in several internet blogs and oenophile publications like Food & Wine, Tasting Table, and DrinkMe magazines and a final tally of $268 thousand raised from over two thousand backers. Visits attributable to the press’ online presence drove more than $23,412 in additional revenue.
Press Release
January 2016, Fountain Hills, AZ Wine and games have always gone hand-in-hand. On January 29th a Kickstarter campaign will bring fine wines and board games together with a special vintage boardgame. Vinhos (Portuguese for ‘wines’) is a classic economic game about wine making created in 2010 by the popular designer Vital Lacerda. In the game, players are Portuguese winemakers and the goal is to produce the highest quality wines and sell them for profit and victory points.
Vinhos Deluxe Edition is an oenophiles version of Monopoly. Over a period of 6 years (each round is 1 year), players build wineries, buy vineyards, plant harvests, cultivate vines, carefully select varietals, and participate in trade fairs! Just like real winemakers, players hire skilled enologists and capable farmers to increase the quality their wine. Weather will also impact the harvest. Optimal forecasts can provide exceptional vintages, while cloudy weather and heavy rain usually have devastating effects. The game combines the best parts of wine making without getting dirty, and can be played while drinking!
“Designing a new version of my first game ended up being very enjoyable and a completely different process,” says Vital Lacerda. “After all, I had a game with more than 5 years of play-testing by thousands of players around the world. I knew I had to make modifications to the rules and board complexity while at the same time I had to deliver the same deep and complex game players have known.”
The team at Eagle-Gryphon Games has overhauled the classic game to create a Deluxe Edition. This Vinhos Special Vintage features completely new artwork from Ian O’Toole, an improved set of rules, a double-sided board so both versions (the new Special Vintage 2016 Edition and 2010 Reserve Edition) can be played, 30 new actions and scoring tiles, more cellars, wineries and enologists, new regions, an advertisers expansion, a Madeira Island expansion, and more!
Each Kickstarter backer will receive a copy of Vinhos Deluxe Edition and pledge levels begin at $59. Vinhos Deluxe will be released on Kickstarter January 29th. For more information about the game, visit Facebook, Twitter, BoardGameGeek, or visit search for Vinhos Deluxe Edition on kickstarter on the 29th!